Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Support Israel Petition -click here to participate

Israel is facing a crisis. We need to be sure that world leaders recognize Israel's right to exist within safe and secure borders, work to return Israel's kidnapped soldiers and pressure Hezbollah to stop their attacks on Israel.

This petition with your comments will be sent to the United Nations:
To: The Honorable Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

In light of the violence affecting the people of Israel and Lebanon, we respectfully ask that you join us in clearly and immediately reaffirming the right of Israel to defend its citizens and ensure its security in the face of relentless attacks, killings and kidnappings by Hezbollah.

We urge you to do everything in your power to help secure the release of Israel's abducted soldiers and to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which requires establishing Lebanon's sovereignty and the authority of its government throughout the country; the disbanding and disarmament of all militias; and the deployment of the Lebanese army along the border with Israel.

Thank you for your attention.

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