Friday, July 14, 2006

Israel destroys Hezbollah headquarters

Today a number of media networks reported Israeli air strikes, one destroyed a main Hezbollah office in Beirut’s southern suburb as Israel tightened its seal on Lebanon going into the weekend. As I've said all along, the conflict can only be diffused if Syria and Iran suddenly decide to became responsible members of the civilized world. In the meantime, Israeli forces will continue there offensive deep into Beirut and Iran and Syria should be worried right now-they're potential targets this weeked and thereafter.


Patrick Kluivert Ddiba said...

Dear reader,

I respect your views about the on going Arab conflict. However, I disagree with your characterization that "Iran and Syria..both don't have power to support Lebanon". I think both these countries provide critical support to terrorist groups. They are routes for terrorist weapons flowing from Tehran to Damascus and later into Palestine. Also, Iran and Syria do provide intelligence intercepts and other logistical information to terrorist groups. In particular Iran has recently helped terrorists in Lebanon to lanch rockets and hi-tech missiles into Israel. US should and is not using this opportunity to accuse or blame anyone, Syria and Iran are directly responsible for what is unfolding in Lebanon.

Patrick Kluivert Ddiba said...

Again thank you for your questions!

UN unfortunately is suffering from a paralysis due to the big five renewed divide. US, Britain, France on one hand, and Russia and China on the other. I'm sure you're aware of the procedures and rigidities of the UN security Council (each of the big five holds a veto).

In particular, China and Russia didn't want a UN backed resolution harshly criticizing Iran for helping sponsoring terrorism again the Jewish state, so both China and Russia did try to slow down the UN action.

Second, the US is not willing to prematurely end the war against Hezabollahs. Our strategy is to make sure the terrorist are defeated or at minimum weakened, not only in Iraq and other threaters, but also in Labanon. Therefore the contunued Israeli offensive promise to weaken the terrorist enclave that stretch from Damascus to Tehran. US is methodically buying time to make sure Israel defeats the terrorist before any form of international intervention could be initiated.

Finally,it is plausable that the timing of the conflict in the region was really bad. Events in Iran and North Korea about nuclear weapons have appropriated the focus of the body. The offessive in Lebanon is viewed by many as a ligitimate and necessary, therefore deserving less international attention than nuclear weapons.

Patrick Kluivert Ddiba said...

I would be relactant to cast the blame on the Lebanese governent. First, the regime in Beirut is politically and militarily weak. Second, the terrorist control almost the entire Southern half of Lebanon.
Third, the culprit is the UN, when then Prime Minister Sharon decided to pull troops out of Southern Lebanon--the UN was obligated to disarm-Hezabollah> However, UN failed to accomplish its legal and international duty. This led to the gradual strengthening of these Islamic Intremists in the South of Lebanon.

Also, Iran is clearly responsible for providing moral and financial support to Hezabollah organization. Again, Syria and Iran also harbor important members of this organization. This has made it practically impossible for the IDF to surgically take out terrorists.

To go back to your question, NO I think the Lebanese government although should be legally responsible for what happens inside her borders--is incapable of exercising her full soverigniy.

Patrick Kluivert Ddiba said...

Whatever services Hezabollah contribute to help the Lebanese people, is not a " pass port" to commit murderous crimes against Jews and innocent civilians. Terrorism is a bankrupt military-political strategy that deverves no legitimacy of any sort--for any reason.

Please feel free to express your views on this topic in future or on any other security issue.